Does long or short sales page copy convert better?

does long or short sales page copy convert better

Whether you’re writing your sales page copy or hiring a copywriter to write your sales page copy for you, there’s probably one thing lingering in your mind:

Should your copy be short and sweet or long and languid?

Great question, aspiring word nerd!

And I wanna say that the fact that you’re reading this article makes me so happy.


Researching the length of your sales page copy tells me that you truly care. About your business. Your offering. And – this makes me extra happy – your words.


And while I wish I could make your life easier by saying, “Yep, short sales copy converts better than long copy”, the truth is that, well, it depends.

Sorry. I know. What a pain.

But don’t worry, in today’s article I’m going to walk you through exactly what it depends on.

Let’s start with the most important variable.

It depends on …


Your customers/clients.

Are your peeps the type of humans that need lots of reassurance before they buy? Or are they impulse buyers that can make a decision at the snap of a finger?

As a guideline, if it’s the former, a long sales page might be best for your biz.

If it’s the latter, a short sales page might work better.

But how your customers buy is just one the variables you’ll need to consider when writing your sales page copy.

You’ll also want to think about their demographics (age, gender, location) and personality, as well as their unique challenges and needs.

All these elements will influence what type of sales page you write.


Your business.

Are you a retail biz or a service-based biz?

Typically (and, again, this is a guideline not a rule), retail businesses will want petite and punchy sales pages and product descriptions.

But if you’re a service-based biz, you’ll likely want long sales page copy.


Well, most service-based businesses are built on relationships. Your clients need to trust you enough to work with you, which can take more convincing than a witty paragraph or two.

But for retail businesses, especially if you’re selling something under $50, short to mid-range sales copy will be enough to explain what you’re offering and why it’s awesome.


What you’re selling.

Are you selling something that’s easily explained in one sentence? Then go for short sales copy.

Do you need more time – and words – to fully illustrate how life-changing your offering is? Go for long sales page copy, friend.


How much you’re selling it for.

I touched on this earlier, but offerings with a higher price tag will typically require longer sales page copy.

You’ll need to break down their barriers to buying (i.e. all the things they’re worried about that need to be eased before they’re willing to whip out their credit card), walk them through what to expect and ensure they feel confident about their purchase.

And since different buyers have different concerns, you’ll need a sales page that tailors to all of your target market’s worries.

Which means words, baby. Lots of ‘em.

But if you’re selling a $10 nail polish, you probably don’t need to write a 1,500-word essay on how the Ruby Red polish will transform their lives.

Get me?


Wait – how long is long?

I consider short sales copy to be under 200 words.

Mid-range sales copy is between 200 and 700 words.

And long sales copy is 700 to 1,500 words and beyond.

My sales page copywriting is around 1,500 words, which gives me enough time to take our readers on a journey from unsure to in-love.


Phew – so, what’ll it be?

Long or short?

Drop a comment and let me know what you’re creating!

Or, if you need a word nerd to write your sales copy for you, be sure to check out my creative copywriting services. I’d love to help you woo them with your words.

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