the who: CASS

It's time to woo them with your words. 

I'm Cass: your friendly creative copywriter and milk tea sippin' sidekick.

I'm here to extract your raw genius and translate it into web copy, content marketing and sales funnel copy that illuminates your brilliance, articulates your value and sets you up for serious success

Creative copywriting that compels them to commit.


with powerful email and content marketing sales funnels.

Captivate and convert


into a digital destination
 your dream peeps can't wait to explore.

Transform your online home


grab your passport, pack a bag (don't forget snacks!) and prepare to go on the wordy trip of a lifetime

Wordy adventure menu

High-five! My price kit should be in your inbox shortly. 

The Copy Curiosity Kit is your VIP navigational guide to exploring my creative copywriting prices, packages and services. 

psst - forget the compass, you can find my copywriting prices right here.

The what: price kit

“Since Cass worked on my rebranded web copy, I’ve been attracting so many high-quality leads. One woman told me she loved my site so much that she read it, top to bottom, three times over!

I’m booking clients at much higher price points now, too. Cass was able to flawlessly convey the value of my offerings in a way that I never could. Since launching my new site, visitors have been spending more time on the sales page (which I was so impressed with) than they used to on the entire site! I love how Cass has given me the words to match the personality I designed for my brand. Even more than her skill and talent, I love her commitment to the project and to me as a client. I knew she was going to make it perfect and give me something I was proud of — and that’s exactly what she did!”


Moriah Riona, brand designer

“I was so anxious about outsourcing my web copy. As a start-up, I needed to create a personality-driven brand that was strong from launch … which meant I had to find someone that ‘got me’ straight away. 

And while I was fine with the design side of things, I had a precise style/personality in mind for my copy that I wanted to portray. And, well, Cass f*cking nailed it. I was so happy with my web copy and it remains one of my favourite things about my website and business. Today my customers instantly fall in love with my products and don’t even hesitate to buy, because Cass has created a brand that sells.”


Kady Capewell, owner Fancy Schmancy Balloon Co.


“Asking somebody to translate your personality and essence into words isn’t an easy task. 

Especially when you need those words to truly connect with your target audience. Which was why Cass blew me away. I was rebranding my business and it was super important that the words blended with my visual elements. I was definitely nervous asking somebody to extract the ideas out of my head and then wrangle them into persuasive words. But the entire process with Cass was just easy. At every touchpoint, I knew what to expect and I felt really cared for. Then when I received the copy … I literally broke down in (happy) tears reading it! Never had I thought it would be possible for somebody to understand me so well. Cass really took things to the next level for me and I’m so excited for the future!”


Kate Britton, owner of The Mud Room


"I never thought it'd be possible for me to feel as proud of my business as I am now. Thanks to Cass's copy, I finally feel confident and compelling.

Figuring out this 'running a successful business' thing hasn't been easy. For years, I've wanted to create a coaching business that was profitable and fulfilling. And copy has been such an essential part of that. It's like getting the perfect haircut. It's such a a simple change, but it works magic on your entire appearance - making sure you always look and feel amazing. Even with no makeup on! Which is why I believe good copy (which Cass delivers in spades) is even more vital than good design. Your words connect you emotionally with your audience. It's important to get them right. So if you're looking for something extraordinary that will create a special experience for your customers, Cass is the partner in crime you've always wished for."


Sabina Muetzel, exponential coach


A word of warning: There's a fair amount of gushing that makes me do more than my fair share of blushing. 

Curious if my creative copywriting GETS RESULTS? Here's what my clients had to say. 

Yay! It's (success) story time from some of my fave humans.