A collection of short stories from beautiful clients

The Copy Cupid Storybook


Jenna-Rae Hallett

branding specialist

Brianna Kiely


Sam Capewell

retail biz owner

Kady Capewell

business mentor

Anna Dower


A sneak peek into past magic made 

Real-life case studies

Anna Dower


short story

Anna is an absolute powerhouse. A complete pro with over 20 years of experience, hearing her speak is like connecting with the guru of graphic design. I’ve been very lucky to work with Anna since 2015 and together we’ve rebranded and repositioned her business, transitioning her from full-time graphic design work to full-time design mentoring with a prosperous six-figure business supporting her. From web copy, sales copy and content marketing through to creative sales funnel campaigns, Anna and I have done it all. And I’m here to tell you when it comes to learning from the best … she IS the best. 


BEFORE working together

Anna was a full time graphic designer growing weary of the constant grind.

Anna was working long, hard hours, missing out on valuable time with her beautiful loved ones. 

Anna was attracting clients she didn’t connect – or enjoy working - with.

Anna felt like her earning potential was capped. 

AFTER working together

Anna is now a full-time design mentor with the ability to pick and choose design projects that light her up. 

Anna has every Friday off and is known for her ‘work smarter, not harder’ ethos. 

Anna effortlessly attracts her dream clients. And loves it. 

Anna runs a six-figure business and in Nov 2017 had the funds to pay for her entire family to go on a holiday to Vegas … and fly business class. 


“Cass is my right-hand woman and a fountain of knowledge when it comes to persuasively communicating what you do to you ideal clients. She’s ridiculously good at channelling your voice and personality in a way that not only sounds like you (so everything you put out feels real and authentic) but also expresses your message better than you ever could. If you’re thinking of hiring Cass, DO IT. It’s not unusual for me to see thousands of dollars’ worth of sales roll in after just one of her special copywritten emails. Her words truly are an investment in my business and brand.”



Over 2,190 coffees consumed.

E-course sold out in just seven days. 

Was once told: “Your content is SO addictive. I’m hooked.”

Built a successful
six-figure business. 

Kady Capewell



There’s a unique spark and magnetism to Kady that instantly pulls people into her orbit. From the moment we met I knew … this woman is going places. Creativity runs in her blood and paired with a special kind of unforgettable playfulness that winds its way around your heart, she is an entrepreneurial force to be reckoned with. When we first connected, Kady was in the process of bringing her dream business – a genius balloon gift box - to life. I’m so grateful she chose me to act as her wordy sidekick and the web copy we created together remains some of my favourite work to date.  


BEFORE working together

Kady was a full-time graphic designer ready to launch her first retail business.  

Kady had a strong visual brand but was lacking the words to match.  

Kady wanted web copy that would help her stand out from the crowd. 

Kady needed the value of her products to blazingly, unforgettably, obvious. 

AFTER working together

Kady has successfully launched Fancy Schmancy Balloon Co. to rave reviews!

Kady’s unique voice and personality has been woven through her written branding.

Kady’s customers frequently comment on her punchy, personality-driven web copy. 

Kady has successfully positioned her business as a premium offering with irresistible appeal. 


“I was so anxious about outsourcing my web copy. As a start-up, I needed to create a personality-driven brand that was strong from launch … which meant I had to find someone that ‘got me’ straight away. And while I was fine with the design side of things, I had a precise style/personality in mind for my copy that I wanted to portray. And, well, Cass f*cking nailed it. I was so happy with my web copy and it remains one of my favourite things about my website and business. Today my customers instantly fall in love with my products and don’t even hesitate to buy, because Cass has created a brand that sells.”



Continue to collaborate on social media copy.

Set the standard for personality-driven copy.

Created the (totally not) official Pun Lovers Club.

Will be BFF’s for life. 

Sam Capewell




It's a fundamental truth that awesomeness runs in the Capewell family. After working with Sam's wife, Kady, on her web copy, I was over the moon when Sam hired me for I am Celebrant Sam. My challenge was to weave words that would support him in his vision of turning his part-time side gig into a prosperous full-time job. Thankfully, with the aforementioned awesomeness on my side, creating personality-driven web copy that fosters an instant (and memorable) connection was a cinch! 


BEFORE working together

Sam was a full-time carpenter, officiating weddings on spare weekends. 

Sam wanted web copy that would portray his relaxed, friendly and welcoming personality,

Sam was struggling to find a way to differentiate himself from the other wedding officiants out there. 

Sam needed the shy bride/groom to feel like they knew him and could connect with him, even before  they reached out. 

AFTER working together

Sam is now a full-time wedding celebrant (yew!). 

Sam has web copy that showcases his personality and positions him as a total pro. 

Sam went from one enquiry to five enquiries within three weeks. 

Sam's copy makes it easy for him to turn strangers into clients 


“I was a little hesitant to outsource web copy for my brand, especially because writing ceremonies and stories is what I do. I didn’t want my own personality and vibe to be lost with someone else writing it for me. I needed to portray as much as ‘me’ as I could, to ensure that potential clients would be comfortable with not only getting in touch, but potentially officiating their big day. After hearing stellar recommendations, I decided to outsource the copy to Cass, and I was genuinely stoked with what she delivered. It's exactly what I had hoped for and believe a huge percent of my instant bookings have come from the trusty words on my website."



Set the benchmark for no-boring-bits copy.

Gave this bloke a clear and compelling brand voice. 

Sam has saved many couples' families from snooze-inducing ceremonies. 

Sam joined the Pun Lovers club.

Brianna Kiely




Every now and then you meet somebody that is just as exceptionally talented as they are remarkably clever. For me, that woman is Brianna. The epitome of grounded creativity, Brianna has a striking ability to intuitively interpret a design brief and translate it into a visual masterpiece. Plus, she is kind as hell to boot. Anyone say, ‘dream client’? Which was why, when she landed on my digital doorstep requesting web copy and content marking, I welcomed her in with open arms. Spoiler alert: We’ve yet to leave each other’s side. 


BEFORE working together

Brianna really struggled to attract her target audience and was accepting projects she knew weren’t a good fit for her. 

Brianna was wasting endless frustrating hours attempting to write her own copy and content marketing … and still feeling unsatisfied with the end results. 

Brianna felt uncertain how to grow and reach the next level in her business.

Brianna had a captivating visual identity … but was lacking compelling copywriting to match. 

AFTER working together

Brianna is now working with clients she loves … and that adore and appreciate her right back! 

Brianna has cultivated better balance in her business and has more time to spend in her zone of genius doing things she loves, like designing (rather than forcing herself to write and churn out content).  

Brianna has clear content marketing strategies in place to attract her dream clients and increase her conversions. 

Brianna has creative web copy that sounds like her and effortlessly connects and converts. 


“I first came to Cass on a recommendation from Anna Dower and was told that she’d help me create a distinct, compelling voice for my brand. What an understatement! Today, Cass is definitely my go-to-girl for copy and content. She’s an absolute genius at writing copy that appeals to and connects with my dream clients. Her understanding of my brand, and ability to write in my voice, blows my mind. Her copy is perfect EVERY single time and most definitely worth the investment. And did I mention the creativity? Whenever I need an original, stand-out angle or idea for something, Cass is there.”



Increased mailing list subscribers by 466%. 

Attracted clients from all over the globe.   


Swapped dessert inspo (and made Cass gain a jean size).

Found the wordy yin to my design yang. 

Jenna-Rae Hallett



Oozes personality. Those were the two words I first thought when I met Jenna. The next words were, “Holy sh*t, she’s talented!” Like a Nutella-filled donut, Jenna was sweet and her design style was full of flavour. My challenge (which I totally chose to accept) was to translate that bold, passion-filled design brilliance into written branding, web copy and content marketing that did her personality and business justice. Without, you know, boring the pants off people. Fingers crossed that I did a good job!


BEFORE working together

Jenna felt like her web copy was letting her brand down.

Jenna didn’t know how to articulate what she did in a persuasive way.

Jenna felt like she was failing to connect with her target market.

Jenna didn’t have a clear brand voice (let alone one that sounded like her).

AFTER working together

Jenna has kick-ass copy that accentuates her awesomeness.

Jenna has the means (and the words) to clearly describe what she does and why it’s brilliant.

Jenna has attracted her dream clients … and is booked out for x months!

Jenna has a distinct brand voice that makes her biz magnetic and memorable.

jenna-rae'S REVIEW

“As a graphic designer, my brand is very, very important to me. I had the visuals covered but capturing my quirky personality and putting it into words felt impossible. Which was why I hired Cass to help me transform my ‘meh’ web copy, content marketing and sales funnel copy into magical words that would convert. Thank god I did! From the moment Cass and I connected, I felt like everything was under control. She truly takes the time to understand you and your brand and as soon as the copy landed in my inbox I felt a huge sense of relief because finally I’d found somebody that got me. Since I’ve launched, the positive feedback on my copy has been rolling in and I’m now eyeing up a booked-out calendar and a very happy business!”



Doubled mailing list in under a week.

Coined the term ‘worry-fart’.

Ate way too much chocolate.

Jen has proudly unleashed her silly side.

select a testimonial


“My journey with Cass felt like a true partnership. This was my first business (and first website) so I had a steep learning curve. But Cass was so patient with me throughout the entire process. 

She took the time to get to know me and my business and really understand what I wanted to say (even when I couldn’t articulate it very well myself!) I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I first hired her to help with the sales copy for my coaching packages, but the end result was a sales page that I am extremely proud of and that reflects how I want to help each of my clients. During the project I was incredibly impressed with Cass’s skill. So much so that we continue to work together! She does an amazing job of taking my (often) very wordy ideas and somehow turns them into magic!”

Creator and founder at Lighter with Less. See Zoe’s ‘about’ page copy here.

Zoe Strawbridge

“I was nearly in tears (the good kind!) reading through my copy. I have been searching for Cass ever since I started my business journey three years ago – somebody who could actually put to paper what is going on in my head.

Because when it comes down to it, I find it challenging to write the way I think. Something always seems to get lost in translation. I needed somebody that understood me and my business and where I was going. Which Cass did … in spades. I literally could not have hoped for anything better than this. It is crazy she managed to understand and convey my whole life’s purpose and work in such a short time. Cass is a genius!”

Exponential coach | Energy alchemist. Website coming soon.

sabina Muetzel

“For years, I’d wanted to create a coaching business I could make a living from. But to get there, I realised I needed seriously off the charts good copy … Luckily, the minute I read Cass’s ‘about’ page, I knew I’d struck gold.

Unlike typical copywriters with the boring, stock standard bio, Cass felt natural and real. It takes a lot of skill to connect with someone emotionally via a website … and do it in such a graceful and authentic way like she does. I was in awe. Then, just when I thought she couldn’t get any better, she wooed my words (and me!). Cass understood the core of my business and translated it into words that connected with my dream clients. Today, she is my word wooing superheroine and I’m so honoured to have her by my side as she continues to work magic on my words.”

Founder and Creative Director at Delilah Creative. Sign-up for one of the free lead magnets I created for her (11 secrets to a high-converting home page) here. 

hester aba

“When it comes to telling small businesses’ stories, there’s nobody quite like Cass. She is a true storyteller and an incredible branding expert, with a fine ability to weave engaging copy for both us and our clients!

We first stumbled across Cass via her Instagram account when we were looking for someone to help us with blogging, and it sounds silly, but I just knew instantly that she had the perfect tone of voice for us - witty, succinct and packed with humour and personality. We engage Cass on a regular basis to help us not only to craft our blogs, but also to create freebies for our audience (translating our sometimes overly technical and wordy advice into yummy bites!) and create sales funnels for us. We also pull in Cass to help us on special client projects that need a loving touch, and we're so happy to have her as part of the extended team!”

Owner and guru at Layout Queen. Copy category: Web copy and branding

shelley crick

“I’m certain Cass is a unicorn. I’m a graphic layout designer, so I can create visual guidance all day. But words? Yeah. I definitely have a hard time getting those out.

Which is why when my business mentor recommended Cass, I jumped at the chance to work with her. And, of course, she was amazing. Her thorough questionnaire captured sides of my business needs I didn’t even know about. She helped me pull together my website information, build my first infographic freebie and create four evergreen blog posts. She easily captured my personality and what my business was trying to accomplish. It was a seamless, easy process, she is a fabulous wordsmith and if I could figure out a way to have her do all of my communication on a daily basis, I would.”

Owner and graphic designer at The Mud Room. Copy category: Web copy

kate britton

“Asking somebody to translate your personality and essence into words isn’t an easy task. Especially when you need those words to truly connect with your target audience. Which was why Cass blew me away 

I was rebranding my business and it was super important that the words blended with my visual elements. I was definitely nervous asking somebody to extract the ideas out of my head and then wrangle them into persuasive words. But the entire process with Cass was just easy. At every touchpoint, I knew what to expect and I felt really cared for. Then when I received the copy … I literally broke down in (happy) tears reading it! Never had I thought it would be possible for somebody to understand me so well. Cass really took things to the next level for me and I’m so excited for the future!”

Founder and brand designer at Moriah Riona. See the words live here. Copy category: Web copy

Moriah Riona

“Asking somebody to translate your personality and essence into words isn’t an easy task. Especially when you need those words to truly connect with your target audience. Which was why Cass blew me away …

I was rebranding my business and it was super important that the words blended with my visual elements. I was definitely nervous asking somebody to extract the ideas out of my head and then wrangle them into persuasive words. But the entire process with Cass was just easy. At every touchpoint, I knew what to expect and I felt really cared for. Then when I received the copy … I literally broke down in (happy) tears reading it! Never had I thought it would be possible for somebody to understand me so well. Cass really took things to the next level for me and I’m so excited for the future!”

Self-love coach at lorirempel.com. Copy category: Web copy

lori rempel

“Cass has a true gift. She understood me, my vision and my purpose in business and her words touched my heart in a way that I hadn’t even thought possible.

I discovered Cass through my daughter, Lisa, and felt so blessed and grateful to be given the opportunity to work with her. As a start-up, I was searching for somebody to breathe life into my new business vision. Which Cass did – in a magical and beautiful way! She is a consummate professional and made the entire process so easy – a big deal given I had never worked with a copywriter before! She has such a calming presence and you can tell that not only does she LOVE what she does, but she’s exceptionally good at it too. So good, in fact, that when Cass delivered my first drafts, I cried tears of PURE joy because she had seen and described me so accurately. Cass’s web copywriting was such a great investment and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to others.”

Manifestation mentor at KristaDickson.com. See the words live here. Copy category: Web copy

krista dickson

“I absolutely love writing ... but when it came to crafting the copy for my new website, it was driving me bananas. Nothing was coming out right! Enter my secret weapon: Cass.

I was worried that my jumbled-up thoughts would be too confusing for Cass to work with … but when I received my first drafts, I was speechless. They were amazing! Cass took my nonsensical ramblings and turned them into poetry. My copy now perfectly describes what I do and who I serve, in a way that speaks to and appeals to my target audience. Her entire process was very professional and high-end … but super fun too! I loved every single moment of my time with Cass and not only is she amazing at what she does, but she’s fun, friendly and the best person to have in your corner. If you’re considering working with her, do it! I know you won’t regret it.”

Founder of The Jet Journal. See the copy live here. Copy category: Website copywriting

maddy odom

“I know more about my company than anyone does ... yet that didn’t help me pull together the right words to describe it! I needed an expert to piece together the perfect language … which was where Cass came in.

When I was searching for a copywriter, I loved how Cass’s copy felt like I was talking to somebody. Somebody real, with personality. It was so casual and upbeat, and I wanted something like that for Jet Journal. I wanted people to feel truly connected with us and our app, something I felt our existing web copy didn’t achieve. Enter stage right, Cass’s copy! I was SO excited when I received my first draft. It was like “YESSS, this is what I’ve been trying to say!” … just way better! Cass nailed our brand voice and tone, keeping it casual and personal, yet informative and authoritative too.”

Co-founder of gothererunthere.com. Copy category: Content marketing copy

sarah beck

“I hate writing. Which was why the idea of creating the content for my e-book made me feel like I was breaking out in hives. Then I found our word whizz, Cass, and it was like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Cass was super friendly and very easy to communicate and work with, going above and beyond to deliver e-book content that was engaging, entertaining and informative … and all in the Go There Run There brand voice! I was ecstatic when I received our first draft. Cass really understood the heart of our business and the project and was able to deliver amazing material that makes me so proud to share with our customers. Her casual yet professional approach made the experience fun and I found her to be super talented and amazing at what she does.”

Want to discover your brand voice?