Your ultimate marketing multi-tasker

Woo them with your words

YOUR content marketing


Ever sat down to write a blog, newsletter or social media post ... only to draw a complete blank?

Or maybe you've invested hours of your precious time into getting this content thing sorted, only to be left wondering whether what you wrote is actually any good? Or if people will want to read it? Or if it actually does its job of supporting your business goals? Cue aaaaaall the stress. (And bring on the chocolate). 

'Cause you know .when it comes to meaningfully connecting with your audience in a way that positions you as an educational powerhouse (that they can't get enough of): there is NOTHING like content marketing. 

Say hello to sweetly strategic content marketing.

Blogs, articles, infographics and emails (oh my) to capture their attention, educate them on your brilliance and convert them into raving fans. 

When you've got 99 problems ... but content marketing ain't one. 

The low-down: Share your message and elevate your influence with infographics that make you stand out from the crowd. In partnership with Esley Studio. 

What you get: Research, creative copy and design for a lead magnet up to 1,000 words.

Lead magnet/opt-in copy and design

The low-down: Engaging and entertaining content to convert visitors into fans, support your sales funnels AND tickle Google's sweet spots while you're at it. 

What you get: 4 x professionally copywritten articles up to 800 words each. 

Monthly SEO blog bundle

The low-down: Got a new offer you need to hype up? This copy is perfect for established businesses with an engaged audience they're ready to introduce to a new offering or offer. Sell with sweet strategy and style . 

What you get: A professional sales strategy woven into an up to 700 word email. 

Sales email

The low-down: Nurture and nourish your subscriber base with regular emails that they actually look forward to reading. No junk, no fluff, just quality content they won't be able to get enough of. 

What you get: 4 x professionally copywritten newsletters up to 800 words each.

Monthly newsletter email

"I was so tired of struggling with my content marketing. 

Yet I knew it was absolutely vital to bringing in consistent leads. Enter Cass. When I received her drafts, I was amazed at how she had captured my business essence and the message I wanted to convey so beautifully. She understood my target market - and what would have them on the edge of their seats - and came up with ideas I wouldn't have ever dreamt up on my own. Her work was so good that no revisions were necessary! Our content was thought-provoking, relevant to my audience and compelling. Best of all, what Cass achieved in the short time we worked together saved me 20 + hours of attempting on my own."


Christina Fowler, Brand and web designer at By Stina Faye


“I hate writing. Which was why the idea of creating the content for my e-book made me feel like I was breaking out in hives. 


Then I found Cass, and it was like the weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Cass was super friendly and very easy to communicate and work with, going above and beyond to deliver e-book content that was engaging, entertaining and informative … and all in the Go There Run There brand voice! I was ecstatic when I received our first draft. Cass really understood the heart of our business and the project and was able to deliver amazing material that makes me so proud to share with our customers. Her casual yet professional approach made the experience fun and I found her to be super talented and amazing at what she does.”



Sarah Beck, co-founder of Go There Run There



Today, Cass is definitely my go-to-girl for copy and content. She’s an absolute genius at writing copy that appeals to and connects with my dream clients. Her understanding of my brand, and ability to write in my voice, blows my mind. Her copy is perfect EVERY single time and most definitely worth the investment. And did I mention the creativity? Whenever I need an original, stand-out angle or idea for something, Cass is there.”



Briann Kiely, Esley Studio



More proof that my clients are way cooler (and kinder) than me. 


That's what she said ...

The conversions

Convert wary visitors into enthusiastic devotees addicted to everything you do and offer. 

The creativity

First and foremost, I'm a storyteller. Which means your content will never be boring or dull. 

The connection

Cultivate a meaningful connection with your audience by providing consistently valuable content.

The kudos

Elevate your profile and build your reputation as an industry thought leader and powerhouse.

The authenticity

It's your voice, your message and your awesomeness, in content you'll want to read over and over again.

The good juju

Genuinely helping your dream customers achieve their dreams with solution-focused content? Now that feels good. 

The opportunities

Good content churns up curiosity. Become the business everybody wants to collaborate with.

The contentment

No more stressing over to what to write and how to write it. It's done-for-you content, hassle-free.

The time

With less time being taken up by content marketing, you'll have more time to focus on what matters most to you. 

The confidence

That comes from knowing that you've invested in creative content designed to elevate your biz and brand.

Ten things you'll love about my content marketing


I send over your invoice (payable in advance), creative agreement and welcome kit. 



We'll lock in your project schedule and I will await your start date with eager anticipation. 


Our project begins! Cue the word-wooing. My average turnaround time for content marketing is two to four weeks. 


You download my Copy Curiosity Kit. 


You like what you see and get in touch. 


I'll respond within 48-hours. 


You give the green light that you want to go ahead. 

With one round of revisions up your sleeve. your content will be *makes Italian kissing sound complete with finger gesture*.

Psst. I only accept a maximum of four content marketing clients per month. 

Want to wrap your head around how this whole content marketing sales funnel thing would go down? Here's the typical journey. 

How it works